Buildable Lands Guidelines Update


Olympia, WA

Department of Commerce Logo
Department of Commerce
Project Date

LDC assisted the Department of Commerce with the high-profile update to the State’s Buildable Lands Program, a key element of the State’s Growth Management Act (GMA). This multi-year project engaged a diverse and complex range of stakeholders including representatives from all Buildable Lands counties as well as the environmental, building, and affordable housing interests. The project was extremely complex and involved a great deal of facilitation that focused on finding commonalities among stakeholders with very different objectives and expectations. The outcome of the project was the production of updated guidelines to be used by counties as they conduct their Buildable Lands analyses. Additionally, a housing memorandum was created that addressed the impacts of development regulations and other constraints on housing attainability.

Going Above the Standard

During the course of the project, LDC conducted over 25 stakeholder interviews, 6 steering committee meetings, and completed a project survey.

Services We Completed