City of Normandy Park On-call Permitting and Planning


Normandy Park

Normandy Park Logo and Map
Normandy Park
Project Date
June 2019 - present

LDC has been providing ongoing on-call permitting and planning services to the City since June 2019. Working alongside City staff, our team has successfully provided on-call counter assistance as well as a assistance with permit processing, the Shoreline Master Program/Critical Areas Ordinance (SMP/CAO) update and the annual Comprehensive Plan docket. Also, in collaboration with one of teaming partners, LDC has been providing economic development support to the City’s Economic Development Committee.

Going Above the Standard

LDC has continually exceeded the City’s expectations by providing superior customer service, building strong relationships with city residents and customers, City staff and City officials. The City has regularly needed assistance, many times on short notice, and our team has been a key part in providing ongoing customer service and support.

Services We Completed