Community Involvement Project Highlights

Ryan Hill Neighborhood Study is Complete

May 15, 2018

Ryan Hill Future Land Use Map

LDC, Inc. wrapped-up the Ryan Hill Neighborhood Study in April with a presentation to the Tukwila Community Development and Neighborhoods Committee. This was an exciting project for our planning team and we were thrilled to be able to help the City of Tukwila assess future land use and infrastructure needs for the neighborhood.

This project was particularly meaningful for LDC Inc. because it was our first project with the City of Tukwila. We were honored to be able to work with the City and be an extension of their own staff as we worked together to ensure this project was a success for the City and the neighborhood.  Our team conducted a meeting where over 35 people from the neighborhood attended.  From the community meeting and city staff input, we developed several land use scenarios, infrastructure scenarios, and infrastructure cost estimates.


Ultimately, the City has determined to not make any large-scale changes to the neighborhood due to the many complex physical factors that make infrastructure improvements too costly at this time. The study report, however, will remain an important tool to be used by the city to assist them in making well-informed decisions on future land use and infrastructure projects as development occurs within the Ryan Hill Neighborhood.

If you have any questions on this project, please reach out to Director of Planning Clay White at  The Ryan Hill Study Report, along with additional project information and maps, can be found on the City’s project website located here:

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